Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Start With A Baseline


Making changes in your life is great and it is the way we grow and develop as people. Change is a constant process and part of being human. When you embark on changing anything in your life you have to start from where you are. Until you know where that is it would be difficult to effectively make the change. You have to start with a baseline.

Starting with a baseline is about honestly out where you are and what you are doing so that you know exactly what needs to be changed. It may sound odd, but many of us are unaware of what we do. When my clients tell me they want to lose weight the first thing I do is have them keep a food journal for a week just to get a baseline. The next week they share how shocked they were to see not only how much they were eating, but also what they were eating. Many of us are on autopilot and we simply are not aware of what we are doing. When you track it – and this works with anything – you have a real picture of where you are and what needs to change.

I read a statistic once that said most people consistently spend about 15% more than they make. I believe that is true, and it is because what is being spend, especially on a credit card, is not tracked. I once had a client that just did not have enough time to accomplish everything she needed to do. When she tracked her time for a week she was made painfully aware that she/he was spending hours in front of the television. The first step in change is awareness. You have to become aware of what you are doing and exactly where you are before you can proceed forward. Keeping track for a week or two will provide you with valuable information that will support your change effort.

Before you embark on any type of change effort you have to know where you are. Until you are aware of exactly where you are – and many of us don’t have a clue – it will be impossible to make the needed change.

The first step in your change effort is to determine where you are. Keep a log for a week or two. This will give you a realistic idea of what you are doing. You can track anything from how much money you spend to how many hours of sleep you get. Once you know the truth about where you are you can proceed

Monday, 22 February 2021

Yes You Can

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If you are an entrepreneur, you know that your success cannot depend on the opinions of others. Like the wind, opinions change…like the weather, opinions change frequently. To succeed at any endeavor, you must stay the course…no matter what the cost! Here are some surefire tips to help you on your journey.

1. Avoid Negativity

Sunday, 21 February 2021

Mind Power The Ultimate Success Formula

 What does it take to be successful?

Ask around and you will find different answers to the formula of success. The truth is, success leaves clues and you can achieve the success in the area you desire by observing the common qualities and principles. They are simple and considered to be common sense but most people simply do not follow them.

Let me share with you one of my favorite quotes:

“There are no s Mind Power The Ultimate Success Formula secrets to success. It is the results of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure”.

As stated in that quote, there are three key factors to achieve massive success in your life:


You don’t have to wait for everything to be perfect. Start with the first step and keep moving. Success doesn’t happen over night. Prepare, prepare, and prepare. You must be ready to receive the success you desire. Set your sight to the destination that you want to achieve, then work and prepare for the moment when the opportunity knocks your door.

2.Hard Work

Success needs hard work. Don’t listen to these ‘get rich quick’ schemes. You need to build your character and work hard on yourself and your business to achieve greatness. Work hard and work smart. Do the right things and do them in the right way. Don’t procrastinate. Take bold actions. Work long hours and craft your legacy.

3.Learning from failure

Successful people do not see failures as failures. They see them as important learning lessons. Lessons that are capable of giving them insights to prevent such mistakes from happening again. By adopting this mindset of turning each failure into a learning lesson or opportunity, you can never fail until you yourself quit.

Preparation, hard work and learning from your failures are the fundamentals to building your bright future.

The Importance Of Choosing The Flex In A Golf Club


When choosing a golf club, it is tempting to only focus on the things like length and weight. However, in order to choose the golf clubs that are best for your golfing abilities, you will need to carefully consider the flex of the shafts of the golf clubs you are looking at. Flex is an important factor in any golf club, but most beginners have a hard time wrapping their minds around the reason why. Here I will try to impress upon you the importance of the flex of a golf club. If you can understand why it works the way it does, you can start to buy golf clubs that work better for the goals you are trying to accomplish.

When you swing your golf club, there is a very imperceptible flex in the shaft. You won’t be able to notice it because you will be swinging at the time, but it is there. When you buy your golf club, it will have a flex rating assigned to it that will tell you everything that you need to know about the club. These ratings are extra stiff (X), stiff (S), regular (R), seniors (A), and ladies (L). You may think that it is not very serious to choose the wrong fled rating. When you strike the ball with a club that has a flex rating that you are not accustomed to, your shot is most likely to be angled in the wrong direction. This will cause nothing but frustration for you during your game.

To prevent this game-crippling turn of events, you should definitely be careful when choosing the flex in your shaft. There are certain traits that will always give away someone who should go for a stiffer rod. If your longer shots tend to always fly left of the intended target, this means that your golf club is most likely too flexible. The same goes if your swing is stronger than the average swing. If you swing the golf club extremely fast, chances are you would be better off playing your game with a stiff club. Just take the opposites of these things for the more flexible clubs – if your shots tend to veer to the right of if you have a slower swing, this is what you want to go with.

One way to determine what category you fit in is to go out to the driving range and hit the ball as far as you can. If your maximum drive is less than 200 yards, stick with an L flex rating. If it between 200 and 130, go with an S. Between 130 and 250, R. 250 or more, S. XS is usually only used by professional golf players, and doesn’t often come in handy for consumers. However, the rating system overall is a very good system and a great way for you to make sure that you are getting the golf club that you need. If you need more advice as to which rating you should choose, talk to some of the more experienced golfers around your favorite golf course and see if they can offer you any words of wisdom. The more personal advice you can get regarding the flex rating of your future golf clubs, the more likely you are to be happy with the choice.

Saturday, 20 February 2021

सौंदर्य और फिटनेस

 स्वास्थ्य ही सब कुछ है।  शारीरिक रूप से फिट होने से, यह एक व्यक्ति को अंदर और बाहर दोनों तरह से कमज़ोर बना सकता है।

 बहुत से लोग सुबह के समय इस तरह के जॉगिंग व रनिंग कर सकते हैं, दोस्तों के साथ फुटबॉल या कोई अन्य खेल खेल सकते हैं लेकिन अगर कोई व्यक्ति मांसपेशियों को रखना चाहता है और दुबला दिखना चाहता है, तो सबसे अच्छी बात यह होगी

कि आप साइन अप करें और कसरत करें और जिम।

 किसी भी दवा को लेने की तरह, किसी को भी किसी भी प्रकार के व्यायाम से पहले डॉक्टर से परामर्श करना चाहिए।

 शारीरिक व्यायाम फायदेमंद है क्योंकि यह विभिन्न प्रकार के रोगों और अकाल मृत्यु से स्वास्थ्य को बनाए रखने और बेहतर बनाने में मदद करता है।  यह एक व्यक्ति को भी खुशी का एहसास कराता है और लोगों के आत्मसम्मान को बढ़ाता है जो किसी को अवसाद या चिंता में गिरने से रोकता है।  इसने एक सक्रिय जीवन शैली वाले व्यक्ति को एक ऐसे व्यक्ति की तुलना में अधिक समय तक जीवित रहने के लिए दिखाया है जो ऐसा नहीं करता है।

 सबसे अच्छा व्यायाम हृदय और वजन प्रशिक्षण अभ्यास होना चाहिए।  यह कैलोरी को जलाने और मांसपेशियों को वसा अनुपात में बढ़ाने में मदद करता है जो लोगों के चयापचय को बढ़ाएगा और एक या तो लाभ प्राप्त करेगा या वजन कम करेगा।

 एक व्यक्ति जिसने पहले कभी काम नहीं किया है, उसे धीरे-धीरे करना चाहिए।  पहली बार इसे बहुत अधिक करने से एक मांसपेशियों को खींच सकता है या चोट लगने से यह और अधिक खराब हो सकता है।  धीरज कभी एक दिन में नहीं बनेगा और इसे बार-बार करने से निश्चित रूप से व्यक्ति अच्छा होगा।

 शरीर के कुछ हिस्सों पर ध्यान केंद्रित करने से इसे बेहतर बनाने में मदद मिल सकती है।  एक अच्छा उदाहरण जिम जा रहा है और एक विशिष्ट क्षेत्र में अधिक बार कसरत करना जैसे कि एब्स एक छाती पैक दे सकता है।

 लेकिन सुंदरता केवल मांसपेशियों के बारे में नहीं है जो लोग देख सकते हैं।  यह भीतर की सुंदरता को बढ़ाने के बारे में भी है।

 यहाँ कुछ चीजें हैं जो सुंदर और स्वस्थ रहने के लिए रोज़ कर सकती हैं;